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Future of Design Sciences

Place In Leadership: Flux or Fun Nature

Lead and Thrive To The Change That We Can't Control

You know digital models, algorithms, software engineering. In different areas of business. Hands on.

You no longer need to hold exclusivity like a badge of honor from elitist universities.

It’s really not easy to completely dismiss the kind of your knowledge (including creative knowledge) that you carry to direct your down-stream staffs in digital marketing, sales intelligence, supply chain operation and trade finance platform.

Flux in physics measures ‘the magnitude and direction of the flow.’ Adaptability refers to your ability or willingness to alter in response to changing circumstances. From crop science in agriculture analytics to PLM automation in digital factory. You can accomplish this simply because you’re flexible. You’ll be able to tolerate or recover quickly from unexpected or harsh circumstances because you’re resilient, and you’ll be able to adapt to (and frequently enjoy) change on a regular basis.

Change is constant.

It is how new generation develops and lives. As a result, these young talented individuals who adapt and thrive to changing conditions, while also being innovative and adventurous in their approach to new ideas.

Then the pandemic hit, or financial melt-down – much deeper and broader change. Change that we opt in – we love change that we opt in to. And, change that we struggle with, we can’t control and that we didn’t predict, or we don’t really see it as a welcome or a good thing. And, there’s more of that coming, not less.

Most of us need to be adaptable, flexible, and to some degree resilient in career, where our relationship to change from the inside out and how it shapes and colors every strategy we make, every investment we make, every decision we make.  They often think, “Times are tough, but I know they will get better.” Resilience, describes Emma Mamo, is “an ability to carry out your job to a high standard even during times of pressure”. But while at a certain level, all people are resilient, that resilience level depends entirely on their capability make-up. Even the strongest of individuals would buckle without skill-capability support.

Resilience is, oftentimes, related to stress, so the more stress a person is under, the more their resilience levels decline. At the same time, the better their resilience levels, the more likely they are to withstand stress. It works both ways. As such, organizations need to employ well-being actions to ensure employees’ resilience, flexibility, and adaptability levels are steady and ready to face challenges.

Things You Can Control

You can’t control the future, but you can control how you contribute to a future you’d like to see, which includes your own professional intent, that every day you wake up and get another opportunity to delve into your deepest professional intent and formulate new ways to bring them to fruition, contribution to society.

We resist the change we can’t control – the change that blindsides us, the change that goes against our expectations, the change that delays our plans or disrupts them entirely. That’s the kind of change we need to develop this muscle for.

While individual’s own resilience might be their own responsibility, Simon-Erdős School of Design Sciences also have a responsibility to prepare our participants with breadth and depth of skills, not undermine their efforts, and to support them in the long term, helping to build their confidence. But in doing so, DESC also need to address the “resilience curriculum” – non-affiliated, non-accredited, rigid University-like program – that is many times misused and classified as “dangerous”. This is looking at the Simon-Erdős School of Design Sciences at the micro-level (which means, at the individual level), in a way that says: ‘toughen up, the problem is you, you need to be more resilient.’

Fun With Nature

So, go on a long hike or at the beach, flow into a headspace that’s more about experiencing the moment and enjoying life instead of checking things on mobile. And yes, the beauty of nature tends to awaken that spirit in many of us, but it has something to do with the fact that an interruption in the flow of life makes us feel more alive. You don’t need to wait until things are a certain way in order to be having fun

After all, knowledge is something you can carry with you for a lifetime. Anything you can do to develop your expertise will help to increase your self-confidence and resiliency.

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